Category Archives: WordPress

Email Recieved With No Reply-To Address

I got this email yesterday,

Hey mate we are interested to hire you to fix our login/cookie problems. Please let us know if you are interested – we have a site with multiple wp blogs and a bbpress also. We want login/cookies to recognize after sign in on all pages. Currently working fine for blogs but not for bbpress. Thanks and please find me on yahoo/msn chat with the above nickname. Best >>

From what I can tell it was sent from the contact form located on the site. The problem you see is that there is no reply-to address. If the person you sent this email sees this, please try sending again or leave a comment with your email address. I would love to get back to you but I can’t without your email.


WordPress Changes Guidelines for Plugin Authors!

Taken from here:

We feel that all software should have a changelog that details, at a high level, what changes have been made in each version so that the user can make an informed decision about when to upgrade and how much testing they should do with their site.

In order to make this an easy and open communication channel we have added support for a Changelog section in the plugins readme.txt file.  This changelog information is then displayed as a separate tab in the plugin directory and also in the back end of your WordPress blog when you view the details on a new version of a plugin.

I personally agree with this decision of the Automattic and the WordPress team because I have found some annoying plugins which don’t state why a plugin is updated. This should solve that problem rather nicely!

Spam Update!

From here:

Thanks for the pingback. It was appreciated and I have responded in turn! I agree that reCAPTCHA is a pretty cool web application and it certainly beats all of the current spam tools except for maybe Akismet. My only gripe with them as I mentioned is that I would need an enterprise key which I don’t really want to buy obviously. Therefore in terms of any plugins with captcha (really the only way to go) is with the reCAPTCHA plugin. Highly Recommended! 5 Stars!

Annoying Spam Problems Have Been Dealt With!

This is an exact copy of this blog post for my personal blog.

Well over the last 24 hours we had an increae in spam. I was seeing around 10 spam posts in a couple hours. I realized now that Akismet wasn’t gonna work because I would need to buy a corporate license. Looking through my options for spam protection on WordPress MU, I found this interesting looking captcha plugin that uses reCAPTCHA. Obviously, I was just a little bit intrigued because reCAPTCHA is a pretty amazing web application.

It worked better than I expected, since reCAPTCHA was installed and added it’s captcha’s to the sign up and comment form (registered and logged in users don’t see it), I have seen 0 spam! Obviously, this reCAPTCHA is some pretty good and interesting software. I may end up using it for some other projects I have been working on.

We’ll see how it goes!


The ZYROT Administrative Team!


Just got Gravatar!

I just got a gravatar and have found that it works perfectly with my blog (this site) with no plugins or anything needed! I have to say, I’m very impressed with the gravatar system from Automattic (makers of wordpress) and just wanted to state that if you don’t have a gravatar go get one from

Just a quick update 😀